Cute video depicts the beautiful story of friendship between bear and tiger

Cute and unexpected friendship between bear and tiger. Photo: Instagram Reproduction
Cute and unexpected friendship between bear and tiger. Photo: Instagram Reproduction

An adorable video shows the wonderful bond of friendship between a bear and a tiger, melting the hearts of internet users!

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The video, shared on Instagram, features a bear cub and a tiger cub who grew up together and became best friends. As the video progresses, you can see how they played together as babies and their friendship endured into adulthood!

Published in early May, the adorable video has already received over 1.3 million views, as well as more than 89,000 likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who were touched by the beautiful friendship between species.

“They even became like brothers,” said an Instagram user. “Wonderful, this story is so beautiful. These animals are very intelligent,” commented another. “How nature can teach us something every day,” said a third internet user.

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